'Age Of Love' was a one off project written by two producers - Italy's Bruno Sanchioni and Belgium's Roger Samijn - released under the same name as the song itself. The song was first released in 1990 on the Belgian label DiKi Records (DiKi standing for Disco King) and it featured some rather terribly cheesy sounding male lead vocals. It wasn't until 1992 when it was re-released on London's React label featuring 'The Jam & Spoon Remixes' (thankfully sans male vocals - but keeping the female vocals of Dutch model and singer Karen Mulder!) that it became a club anthem.
Jam and Spoon were a production duo from Frankfurt Germany consisting of Rolf Ellmer aka Jam El Mar and Markus Loffel aka Mark Spoon (who sadly died of a heart attack in 2006). It is their 'Watch Out For Stella Club Mix' ('Stella' being the name of one of their own landmark songs released the same year - you can revisit a remix of it here: http://summersradio.blogspot.com/2011/02/summersradio-classic-remix-jam-spoon.html) that has withstood the test of time to become a true club classic.
It's the initial build up of this remix - especially the keyboard bit between 1:50 and 2:35 - that lifts you up and leaves you suspended in mid air for a few seconds - that has undoubtably left many people (myself included) feeling a bit like this the first time they heard it in a club... :)

This is a fan made video - as a tribute to Mark Spoon - for Age Of Love's track 'Age Of Love' - Jam & Spoon's 'Watch Out For Stella Club Mix'... Enjoy!
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