RAC have just released a new remix of Two Door Cinema Club's latest single 'Next Year'! 'Next Year' is the third single released from the Northern Ireland band's second album 'Beacon', which was came out last summer on the Kitsune Label.
The Remix Artist Collective posted this online on Soundcloud - then it was taken down - and now it can be found on Two Door Cinema Club's Soundcloud page: http://soundcloud.com/two-door-cinema-club/two-door-cinema-club-next-year-rac

RAC's remix sadly is not available in North America just yet but you can download it from the new four track 'New Year' remix EP from Amazon if you're in Europe: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Next-Year-RAC-Mix/dp/B00BDP4KLQ
I particularly like how RAC have altered the guitar/ bass sound (first heard around 1:33 in) making 'Next Year' sound a wee bit like a classic track from New Order... Enjoy!
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