School Of Seven Bells have released a new song and video online called 'I Got Knocked Down (But I'll Get Up)'! The song is a cover of the track written by Joey Ramone from his posthumous 2002 album 'Don't Worry About Me'. The cover is the last song that School Of Seven Bells member Benjamin Curtis worked on before he died from lymphoma in December of last year - and it's available now on iTunes.

Benjamin Curtis kept working on recording music on his laptop while he was in the hospital and the other half of the duo - Alejandra de la Deheza - plans to finish the recording and release a new album. This version is quite different from Joey Ramone's original - it has a dreamy, surreal New Order-ish feel to it.
The video is currently premiering on Youtube exclusively by Culture Collide - and for this reason the video is not yet available to embed here on our blog. When/ if it becomes available I will post it, but for now we can only provide the link - but it's more than worth the extra click to check this one out - the video is a beautiful tribute to Curtis... Enjoy!
click here for the video:
You can also listen to the song here:
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