L.A.'s Saint Motel have just released a brand new single called 'Honest Feedback' online! It was only just over a month ago that the band released the new video for their previous single 'At Least I Have Nothing' which you can check out/ revisit here: http://summersradio.blogspot.com/2012/02/summersradio-new-video-saint-motel.html and they've already posted a new follow up single on Soundcloud which is available as a free download for a limited time.

'Honest Feedback' includes the lines "So many people again and again, They make their enemies telling the truth to their friends" - which explains the songs title - but there's something else going on here too. The line 'Your tongue's magic' is so overtly sexual without being explicit - it's perfect! The song has a summery laid back feel - it reminds a bit of one of The Bravery's more chilled tunes - their earlier material, before they got a bit lame.
This is Saint Motel's new single 'Honest Feedback' and if it's to your liking just click the download icon for your free download courtesy of the band themselves... Enjoy!
Bonus Track! The Bravery - 'An Honest Mistake' (Superdiscount Remix)
'An Honest Mistake' was The Bravery's first single from their self titled debut album which was released in 2005. This is the 'Superdiscount Remix' by France's Etienne De Crecy aka Superdiscount which was included on the cd single for their third single 'Unconditional'... Enjoy!
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