Montreal's Arcade Fire have just released a brand new song online today! 'Abraham's Daughter' itself doesn't sound like a very commerical tune - but it's certainly getting the marketing push of one. The song is from the forthcoming soundtrack to the 'The Hunger Games' film - and was premiered today by Entertainment Weekly!

'The Hunger Games' film is based on the novel (the first of a triology) by Suzanne Collins and is released on March 23rd - with the soundtrack set for release on March 20th. The diverse soundtrack also features artists such as The Decemberists, The Low Anthem, Kid Cudi, Birdy, and Neko Case. The sci-fi film takes place in the nation of Panem, which formed sometime in the future on what is known now as North America - and the story of the 'Hunger Games' - which is a competition that involves a contestant that tries to kill everyone else until only one person is left alive.
I'm not a fan a violence at all so I'll certainly pass on seeing the film, but I do like this new track from Arcade Fire. 'Abraham's Daughter' features the band's Regine Cassagne on lead vocals singing about the biblical tale of Abraham and Isaac - I like the guitar sound/ feedback and the overall mood of this one... Enjoy!
** UPDATE March 6th: Apparently the world's largest record label (Universal Music Group) has so lost touch with what being a record company is supposed to be about that they're pulling out out all the stops to PREVENT people from hearing the new Arcade Fire track! All Youtube videos are being blocked, and all tracks on Soundcloud have been removed. I always thought it was the record companies job to get people to HEAR/ LISTEN to their artists music - to make them want to buy it - not to keep it away from them. We just want to listen to it, not steal it UMG! Here's a tip for you UMG - back in olden times radio stations used to play and break new music - but they don't do that anymore, so people have to listen it on the world wide web. So if you want people to hear it legitimately - without going to illegal file sharing sites and possibly stealing it in the process because it's not available to purchase yet - stop blocking it YOU MORONS!! **
Naturally I will repost a new link as soon as one becomes available. And in the meantime I apologise for UMG's ignorance :) and please check out the link below that includes a free download of a remix of their song 'Rebellion (Lies)'...
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