SummersRadio™ New Cover! Tracey Thorn - 'Under The Ivy'
Tracey Thorn has released a new single online - a cover of Kate Bush's 'Under The Ivy'! 'Under The Ivy' was first released as the b-side to Bush's hit 'Running Up That Hill' in 1985. This new version is released on the Strange Feeling label and it features Ben Watt on piano. It's available now on iTunes or directly from the label here:
'Under The Ivy' was inspired by Kate Bush's grand return to the stage in London this year. The original song has a special place in my heart - rare is it that a cover can do such a beautiful song justice but Tracey Thorn's version is also quite lovely... Enjoy!
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SummersRadio™ New Music! Grandaddy & Band Of Horses - 'Hang An Ornament'/ Jason Lytle - 'This Is How It Always Starts' (Live)
Grandaddy and Band Of Horses have just released a new festive single called 'Hang An Ornament'! The song is available now on iTunes:
Jason Lytle is producing Band Of Horses forthcoming new album, so that's how 'Hang An Ornament' came about. It's a Christmas song - a subtle yet beautiful one. It doesn't try to brainwash you to feel fake joy - it reminds you to hang in there. I reckon the holiday season for many (myself included) is more about survival than anything else. No, it's not the most wonderful time of the year for everyone - it can also be the loneliest, saddest, most depressing time of year.
Sometimes you just need something to hang on to - and Grandaddy & Band Of Horses will be there for us for the holidaze... Enjoy!
Bonus Track! In other Grandaddy news Jason Lytle - who's now based in Portland - has released a new live album under his own name called 'House Show'. 'House Show' is a live solo recording made in a friends living room on May 19th, 2014 - his first live show in Portland. It's currently available exclusively on Bandcamp here:
'House Show' features 22 tracks - fourteen songs plus an intro and seven 'in-between song chatter' tracks - so you get the full live effect. 'This Is How It Always Starts' is originally from Grandaddy's final (?) album - 2006's 'Just Like The Fambly Cat'... Enjoy
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SummersRadio™ New Music! Emily Haines - 'Lightning Strikes'
Emily Haines has released a new song called 'Lightning Strikes'! 'Lightning Strikes' is featured in a new commercial for GoldieBlox - a toy company that aims to introduce girls to engineering. Goldieblox was started via Kickstarter to inspire girls to enter the fields of math and science which are traditionally geared towards boys. The song is apparently available now on iTunes although it hasn`t showed up in my searches yet.
'Lightning Strikes' sounds more like Emily Haines's work with Metric than her solo material (moreso) with The Soft Skeleton... Enjoy!
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SummersRadio™ New Music + Free Download! Johnny Jewel - 'The Other Side Of Midnight'
Johnny Jewel has released an epic track online called 'The Other Side Of Midnight'! The L.A. musician is a member of both The Chromatics and Glass Candy, and he also runs the label Italians Do It Better.
During the past month or so he's been posting songs on Soundcloud every few days that he's made available as a free download - most of which have never been released before. His latest post features a track over thirty minutes in length - featuring seven movements - called 'The Other Side Of Midnight` that`s `designed to disintegrate with the world around you'.
Jewel describes 'The Other Side Of Midnight' perfectly as 'Electronic Wall Paper For Your Dreams' and if it's to your liking you can download a free copy here:
(or click on the download icon below)
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