Spitzer are a duo from Lyon, France (brothers actually) who've just released an amazing new EP called 'Sergen'! The three track EP includes the 'Extended Version' of the title track - as well as the original versions of 'Serpentine' and a wonderfully cinematic tune called 'Delenda' - and it's released on the InFine Music label. It's available on Beatport for $5.97 but it's a deal and a half on itunes - all three tracks for only $1.99!

The EP is also available on vinyl from Juno: http://www.juno.co.uk/products/sergen-ep/458482-01/ The original version of 'Sergen' will appear on their debut album called 'The Call' which will be released on September 3rd.
'Sergen' is quite an astounding tune - a bit like shoegazer techno. The duo are no strangers to indie rock - in fact they site the Washington D.C. post-hardcore band Fugazi as influences. The song features spacey electronics melding with bursts of guitar and feedback with proper (real) drums - this song/ EP won me over instantly on the first listen... Enjoy!
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