Manchester dj/ producer James Kumo has just released a new EP called 'Stagger'! The EP features five tracks - the original plus two remixes of the title track - as well as 'Raindrops' and 'Last Man Standing'. It's released on New York City's Biatch Corp Recordings label and it's currently available exclusively on Beatport:

'Stagger' is a great tune as well but it's the second song on the EP called 'Raindrops' that reeled me in first - there's nothing but sun in the forecast for the next week but I can't wait for a rainy day to share this one! 'Raindrops' would be perfect for listening to in a flying car high in the sky at night. Where are the flying cars anyway?? I was promised flying cars in the future when I was a wee lad - what a ripoff!
Anyway this song is a sublime piece of spacey techno - think Tangerine Dream meets Underworld at their finest... Enjoy!
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