London's Nathan White aka Whitey has just released his new album online called 'Lost Summer'! The album features nine tracks and he's decided to release it independently on his Bandcamp page here:

Whitey aptly describes the album as 'The future colliding with the past' - and it's an interesting mix of indie rock, experimental electronica, and eighties synth pop and new wave. 'Lost Summer' has a great flow and feel to it from start to finish. You can listen to the entire album from the link above but I've chosen to feature my three initial favorite tracks upon first listen.
The fourth track 'Saturday Night Ate Our Lives' seems like an obvious choice for a single. It ponders ones thoughts following perhaps not just a another wild Saturday night out - but one (or more?) that may have been rather excessive. Yeah, I know that feeling :) Meanwhile the music itself is so upbeat and cheerful (including cowbell!) that I reckon it will (ironically?) soundtrack many a Saturday evening party this summer anyway - I know it will be at Club English Bay here in Vancouver (aka my apartment)... Enjoy!
This is the opening track on 'Lost Summer' - 'Civilizashun/ Nobody Made The Monster' and I must say that it's quite the grand introduction/ creation... Enjoy!
This album closer is called 'See You Next Time', and like the rest of the album it features some great reflective lyrics. I love the line 'If we can run through the night we can follow where the lost have gone'... Enjoy!
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