Germany's Ewok Fur have released a new EP online called 'Television Summer'! It's the brilliantly named band's second EP and the follow up to their self-titled (or is it title-less?) six track debut 'EP' which was released in November. 'Television Summer' features four tracks and is available as a download both for free or by donation from their Bandcamp page here:

It's not often that an artist will tag their music as both 'shoegaze' and 'tropical' but this rather experimental EP contains many layers of sounds. Wall of sound is an apt description for music similar to this - but this is something more - a swirlwind of sound perhaps. I really like all four songs here but especially the opener 'Cloud Colored Sunshades' and then the second track 'Woah, Golden Moon' is even more magical and mind altering (you can use the arrows to move from track to track)... Enjoy!
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