And now the final post in our second annual Valentine's Day Spectacular! I hope you enjoyed the music - the classics from the vaults, the new remixes, the free downloads, and the shiny things! :)
Sugar Plant are a Japanese dream pop duo based in Tokyo consisting of Chinatsu Shoyama and Shin'ichi Ogawa. They released their first full length debut album called 'After After Hours' in Japan in 1996, and it was released the following year in North America. 'Happy' is the title track from the 'Happy' mini album which was released in 1998 in Japan - and as a double cd called 'Happy/ Trance Mellow' in North America later that year. The release was out of print for many years, but it's now available again on itunes.
The 'Happy' mini album is one of my most favorite releases - as it's dreamy, spacey, hypnotic, romantic, and so much more - and the title track is about being around someone who makes you feel that way. Mark my words - this time next year I will no longer be single!!
This is 'Happy'... Enjoy!
This is a poem a friend named Lindze Roy wrote in December that I think is most fitting for Valentine's Day - not only because it's called 'Love' - but also because it looks at love from an in between place. And even if you or I may not have the love we seek today, I hope that we all find the love that we're looking for very soon.
Happy Valentine's Day 2012 from SummersRadio™! ♥
by Lindze Roy (used with permission)
As I consider your embrace
and long to know your taste,
envisioning your eyes, your face.
I am struck by blasts of loves
from the past.
This familiar lust
once turned to dust.
before it has begun
I’ve got it undone
Perhaps if I don’t let it settle
I won’t have to feel my blood boil like some steaming kettle
my heart ache
the question was it all fake?
Then I catch myself
fallen as I may be
This rant is not me
It is fear and scarcity
all washed in self-pity
I have loved before and it was true
just as the love I give anew
I am the one to let love pass through
First for me
and then for all of you.
It will be in our embrace
I will feel it as I kiss your face
This love is not to be contained
nor can it be claimed
Abundance is where love dwells
Knowing of the wells of selves
we fill, and fill
and find peace
and be still
Then and only then will love come
and it can never be undone.
Love shared
is like a life spared
the reciprocal appreciation
is enough to save a nation
Love has no take backs
No false acts
It is to be given freely
bringing pure joy
as your individual path is unfurled and swirled
to create
what is to be your souls mate
Knowing this is what is at stake
I will open my heart without debate
Come in to my own bliss
and though I may miss
loves of the past
or feel they were gone too fast
Love is a tide in life
guided by none but the moon
so it is never gone too soon
Oceans swells may come and go
but the ocean is not gone because the tide is low
A new moon brings new flow
I am blessed to offer my love through you
to see it manifest as expressed with you
Knowing I am part of something grand
and in this divine love is where I stand

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