Gorillaz have just released a new single online featuring James Murphy and Andre 3000! The song is part of the Converse '3 Artists, 1 Song' series - and ties in with the release of the limited edition 'Chuck Taylor Gorillaz Collection' which features artwork designed by Gorillaz co-creator Jamie Hewlett:

Truth be told I've had a wicked hangover all day today, so I may be a bit harder to please than usual - but even after multiple listens I'm not sure that this song is to my liking. Although this single is a one off, I'd be much more excited to see/ hear a new song from Blur than Gorillaz.
The idea is certainly not unpossible as Damon Albarn will be reuniting with his Blur mates to headline a concert in London's Hyde Park on August 12 to coincide with the closing ceremonies of the summer Olympics. The concert is billed as the 'Best Of British' and will also feature The Specials and New Order - I want to go! It seems like the perfect time to debut something new, doesn't it?
While I keep that dream alive for now, today we have this new Gorillaz track - 'Do Ya Thing' - featuring former LCD Soundsystem frontman James Murphy and Outkast's Andre 3000. My first impression was that it sounded rather similar to 'Feel Good Inc.' initially - but with far too many words/ too much knattering - and a much weaker musical backing track. I love James Murphy but I've never been a big fan of falsetto vocals - and Andre 3000's squawking about a new Outkast album is just plain annoying. But that's just my opinon - what do you think?
If this version of 'Do Ya Thing' is to your liking you can download a copy for free from the official Converse website here: http://play.converse.com/blog/2012/02/23/doyathing/ Enjoy!
Bonus Track! Blursabian - 'There's No LSF' (Party Ben Mashup)
I don't normally post a track that isn't to my liking, so I feel a bit soiled with the above post - so I must counter attack it by also featuring an awesome mashup! This is a classic mashup by San Francisco based dj/ producer/ radio host Party Ben - of Blur's 'There's No Other Way' and Kasabian's 'LSF'... Enjoy!
Bonus Bonus Track! Gorillaz featuring James Murphy & Andre 3000 - 'Do Ya Thing' (Full 13 Minute Explicit Version) The four minute version of 'Do Ya Thing' is actually an edit of the song - the full version is set to be available on http://gorillaz.com/ on March 3rd, but it's already been leaked online. There's also an official video being released on Wednesday (the 29th) - and Gorillaz video's are usually pretty elaborate so I may add it on to this post later if it's good.
I like how this version gets rockier about four and half minutes in (and a bit spaced out near the end) but again I think Andre 3000 ruins it by shouting how he's 'the shit' endlessly - drop the 'the' and I'm tempted to agree with him. Instead of the usual 'Enjoy' I say listen if you dare... :)
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