They released their self titled debut album in 2008 - the follow up album isn't due until next year, but their new 'Clash' EP - which features two new songs and four remixes - is out today. (technically in a few minutes - at midnight - the 3rd!) :)
Their debut album was generally described as electroswing (a fusion of swing and house music) - as is the the original mix of 'Clash' - however this particular remix is pretty much full on funky disco electro house. This is the 'Jupiter Remix' of the title track - and it is without question the most sublimely funky new track I have heard in some time... Enjoy!
Please note that the picture above is actually of the song's remixers Jupiter. Here's a lovely photo of Caravan Palace on stage - from their Facebook page which you can check out here:!/CaravanPalace

Here's a look at the awesome cover art for the 'Clash' EP:

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